Monday, July 20, 2009

How Club de Bébé was Born

By Ingrid Wells

Getting to know someone is an important part of any good relationship. So we wanted to begin our blog by introducing ourselves and sharing a little bit about who we are and how Club de Bébé came to be. Here’s our story:

Pregnancy is an exciting time, but with baby on the way and physical changes taking place it can also be a challenging time. Following our own pregnancies, we wanted to make the pregnancy journey more pleasant and fun for other expectant moms. We also believe that all moms-to-be deserve special care and pampering during pregnancy. So we created with the mission of helping women feel as special as they are, as beautiful as can be, and as comfortable and prepared as possible.

What makes our site unique is that it focuses on meeting the special and changing needs of moms-to-be throughout their pregnancy. Club de Bébé offers wonderful gifts to delight expectant moms—from
luxurious spa and comfort products to help her feel great and look radiant from head to toe; to fantastic books and CDs that prepare her and ease her mind about having a healthy pregnancy; to lovely delivery gowns for beautiful pictures when baby arrives.

Gift givers and expectant moms alike can choose from a variety of exceptional
gift series with gifts that are geared toward expectant moms’ different stages of pregnancy. So mom-to-be gets just what she needs right when she needs it. Club de Bébé also offers lovely individual gifts and stylish sterling silver and hand stamped maternity jewelry that adds sparkle during pregnancy and makes for precious keepsakes after baby arrives.

So what about our blog, you ask? Our blog is an extension of our
Club de Bébé mission. Our posts will discuss the incredible journey through pregnancy, with all of its ups and yes, sometimes downs too. We’ll cover everything that is part of pregnancy from your rosy glow to your swelling feet. It is a place where expectant moms can come together to share their experiences and insights and learn and laugh with each other. We hope you will too.

We are simply moms, sharing the joy of mom-to-be(hood) and not medical doctors. What you won’t find here, therefore, is medical advice. There are many other wonderful pregnancy sites that already have that covered. We wish you a happy, healthy pregnancy and invite you to join us often.